Posted on 1/31/2022
When should you use the emergency brake? Both new and experienced drivers often have this same question. Today, we will set the record straight and explain how and when to use your e-brake properly. The emergency brake, also known as a parking brake, e-brake, or handbrake, works separately from the brakes that often get serviced at the auto repair shop. It was intentionally made separate to serve as a backup brake if your primary/service brakes fail. Your service brakes are usually a hydraulic system. In contrast, the e-brake is engineered to hold your automobile in place. Therefore, it's recommended you use it when parking. When to Use the Emergency Brake Of course, you should always engage the emergency brake whenever your brakes fail. However, a misconception stems from the name 'emergency brake' because most people assume that you should only use it in emergencies. That is not the case; You should be using your emergency brake every time you park. It doesn ... read more