Posted on 10/28/2022
If you're lucky enough to enjoy the occasional maple donut (or, let's be honest, if you're like me and love them), then you know that there's nothing quite like the smell of fresh maple syrup. But you may not know that this sweet scent can be a warning sign for your car. If you notice a maple syrup-like smell coming from your car, it's most likely due to a coolant leak. Coolant is an important part of your car's engine and helps keep it running at the right temperature. When there's a leak, the coolant can mix with other fluids and produce a sweet scent. While a small leak might not seem like a big deal, getting it fixed as soon as possible is important. If left unrepaired, a coolant leak can lead to serious engine damage. If your car smells like maple syrup, this is a sign that the coolant is leaking. Other Smells to Watch Out If you notice an unusual smell coming from your car, it's important to take action immediately. The source of the smell could ... read more